Most oil companies globally (“Operators”) leverage the organizational infrastructure of the major oilfield services companies (“OFSC’s”) to achieve their field development and production objectives. Working relationships between Operators and OFSC’s developed over many years of cooperation.
Tejas has positioned itself as a Technology Partner to provide turnkey product solutions to OFSC’s and since 1999 developed exclusive products and complete product lines for OFSC’s. We are deeply rooted in Research & Development (R&D) with deep expertise in downhole completions products, especially subsurface safety valves and other flow control devices.
Over the years, Operators have leveraged Tejas for certain unique product developments, which are often too small or iterative for OFSC’s, but large enough for Tejas. Recent samples of product developments include:
All Electric Downhole Safety Valve for new generation producers.
HT Compensating Tubing Anchor (ComTAC™) to increase service life and pump efficiency for Rod Pump wells.
Variable Orifice Injection Valve, or InjectGARD™ to improve operational performance and efficiencies for injection wells.
If you want our engineering expertise, our turnkey product development, or only want to purchase a product built to your requirements, Tejas is your solution and partner helping you succeed in your mission. Your success is our goal.